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Title Map showing Distribution and Density of Population in Va. in 1870. Compiled from Ninth Census of United States by Supt. Walker.
Alternate Title Map of Population in Virginia
Creator Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 1828-1899
Type of Resource cartographic
Date Created 1874
Digital Origin reformatted digital
Topics Population
Places Virginia
Dates 1870
Subject Genre Statistical maps
Rights Statement Digitized by the Library of Congress. Rights assessment is your responsibility.
Language English
Extent 1 online resource (map) : JP2 file, col.
Physical Note Raster
Original Sheet(s): map 8 x 12 cm., assembled with 4 other maps to form sheet 36 x 30 cm.
Scale [ca. 1:10,000,000]
Coordinates (W 85°--W 73°/N 40°--N 35°)
Notes » Website description: Notice that Hotchkiss—a well-respected cartographer for the Confederacy—incorporated Hilgard’s “center of population” map in order to promote the centrality of Virginia after the Civil War.
» Alternate title from Website.
Local Identifiers Hotchkiss_Virginia_population.jp2
nationID: 5.23
nationIDchrono: 4.25
nationIDcreator: 1.43