Mapping the Nation - A Companion Site to Mapping the Nation by Susan Schulten
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Title | White Population, Indian Reservations, Indian Range or Hunting Ground |
Alternate Title | [Map of Indian Reservations West of the Mississippi] Map of Indian Population in the Western United States |
Creator |
Walker, Francis Amasa, 1840-1897 |
Contributor | Bien, Julius, 1826-1909 |
Corporate Contributor | Julius Bien & Co. |
Type of Resource | cartographic |
Date Created | 1874 |
Digital Origin | reformatted digital |
Topics |
Whites Indians of North America Indian reservations |
Places | West (U.S.) |
Dates | Nineteenth century |
Subject Genre | Thematic maps |
Handle | |
Rights Statement | Digitized by the Denver Public Library Western History Department. Made available by the University of Denver Penrose Library solely for research and educational purposes. The user is responsible for all copyright, privacy and publicity rights compliance. |
Language | English |
Extent | 1 online resource (map) : TIFF file, col. |
Physical Note | Raster Original Sheet(s): 22 x 27 cm. |
Scale | Scale not given. |
Coordinates | (W 125°--W 93°/N 51°--N 31°) |
Notes | » Website description: Walker served as Commissioner of the Indian Bureau while also Superintendent of the Ninth Census in the 1870s, and in both capacities relied on maps. » Relief shown by hachures. » Map to accompany a book-length reprint of three articles on relations with the Indians by Walker, a former U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Shows Indian reservations, range and hunting grounds in relation to concentrations of Whites on the Great Plains, the Intermountain West and the Pacific Slope. » Host/Source Creator: Walker, Francis Amasa, 1840-1897. Host Type of Resource: text. Host Extent: 268 p. : map ; 19 cm. Host Classification: E93.W17 Host Notes: The first of these articles was published in the North American review, April, 1873; the second, in the International review, May, 1874; the third, in Walker's report, as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1872. » Last alternate title from Website. |
Host Title | The Indian Question. Boston, Mass. : J.R. Osgood, 1874. |
Local Identifiers | Walker_Indian.tif nationID: 5.16 nationIDchrono: 4.20 nationIDcreator: 1.84 (OCoLC)756866731 (CARL)925013 (DLC) 02015421 (Host) (OCoLC)16978598 (Host) (CARL)027785185 (Host) |