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Title Map Showing, in Five Degrees of Density, the Distribution, within the Territory of the United States, of the Constitutional Population , i.e., excluding Indians not taxed. Compiled from the returns of population at the ninth census of the United States, 1870. By Francis A. Walker. To which is added a sketch of the principal Indian reservations and ranges from information furnished by the Office of Indian Affairs of date 1871.
Alternate Title Map Showing the Distribution of the Constitutional Population
Creator Walker, Francis Amasa, 1840-1897
Bien, Julius, 1826-1909
Corporate Creator United States. Census Office
Type of Resource cartographic
Date Created 1874
Digital Origin reformatted digital
Topics Population Density
Indians of North America
Indian Reservations
Places United States
Dates 1870
Subject Genre Statistical maps
Rights Statement Scanned image Copyright 2005, Rumsey Collection (Cartography Associates), and used here under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.
Language English
Extent 1 online resource (map) : TIFF file, col.
Physical Note Raster
Original Sheet(s): 49 x 71 cm.
Scale 1 :7,200,000
Coordinates (W 131°--W 65°/N 51°--N 21°)
Notes » Website description: Walker’s map of population density established the categories that would be used on all his subsequent population maps in blue ink, enabling viewers to compare classes of information.
» Host/Source Creator: United States. Census office. Host/Source Contributor: Walker, Francis Amasa, 1840-1897 ; Bien, Julius, 1826-1909. Host Type of Resource: text. Host Extent: 1 p.l., 5 p., 1 l., 4, 14, 13, 8, 3, 4 p. : LIV pl. (maps, diagrs.) ; 56 x 24 cm.
» Alternate title from Website.
Host Title Statistical atlas of the United States based on the results of the ninth census 1870 with contributions from many eminent men of science and several departments of the government. Compiled under authority of Congress by Francis A. Walker, M.A., Superintendent of the 9th Census, professor of political economy and history, Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. New York, N.Y. : Julius Bien, lith., 1874.
Local Identifiers Statistical_Constitutional_Population_Map.tif
nationID: 5.11
nationIDchrono: 4.13
nationIDcreator: 1.87
(DLC) 05019329 (Host)
(OCoLC)2898344 (Host)
(OCoLC)62777866 (Host)