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Title Gilpin's Hydrographic Map of North America: Compiled from Astronomical Data of all Existing Authorities
Alternate Title Gilpin’s Hydrographic Map of North America
Creator Gilpin, William, 1813-1894
Contributor Hutawa, Julius
Type of Resource cartographic
Date Created 1848
Digital Origin reformatted digital
Topics Watersheds
Places United States
Dates 8,000 B.C.
Subject Genre Physical maps
Statistical maps
Rights Statement Digitized map image courtesy of The Newberry Library; mounted here by permission with "Non-exclusive world rights, English language, web use only, NON DOWNLOADABLE, 5 years only."
Publisher Sower, Barnes and Co.
Language English
Extent 1 online resource (map) : TIFF file, col.
Physical Note Raster
Original Sheet(s): 80 X 104 cm.
Scale [ca. 1:8,850,000]
Coordinates (E 175°--W 40°/N 90°--S 10°)
Notes » Website description: Gilpin designed this to shift the nation’s center of gravity westward toward the neglected interior, just as the nation acquired new territories in 1848
» Various projection distinguished by different colors.
» Host/Source Creator: Gilpin, William, 1813-1894. Host Type of Resource: text. Host Extent: [iii]-xii, 13-194 p. 6 fold. maps (incl. front.) 24 cm. Host Notes: Later editions published under title: Mission of the North American people, geographical, social and political.
» Alternate title from Website.
Host Title The Central Gold Region. The Grain, Pastoral, and Gold Regions of North America. With Some New Views of its Physical Geography; and Observations on the Pacific Railroad. St. Louis, Mo. : Sower, Barnes & Co., 1848.
Local Identifiers Gilpin_s_Hydrographic_Map.tif
nationID: 3.20
nationIDchrono: 2.06
nationIDcreator: 1.27
(DLC) 03021050 (Host)
(OCoLC)01667686 (Host)
(NBYdb)153625 (Host)