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Title Isothermal Chart: Mean Distribution of Temperature for the Year
Alternate Title Chart of Average Annual Temperature
Creator Blodget, Lorin, 1823-1901
Contributor Bien, Julius, 1826-1909
Lawson, Thomas, 1781?-1861
Corporate Contributor United States. Surgeon-General's Office
Type of Resource cartographic
Date Created 1855
Digital Origin reformatted digital
Topics Atmospheric temperature
Places United States
Dates Nineteenth century
Subject Genre Statistical maps
Meteorological charts
Rights Statement Digitized and made available by the University of Denver Penrose Library solely for research and educational purposes. The user is responsible for all copyright, privacy and publicity rights compliance.
Language English
Extent 1 online resource (map) : TIFF file, col.
Physical Note Raster
Original Sheet(s): 24 x 52 cm.
Coordinates (W 130°--W 50°/N 50°--N 25°)
Notes » Website description: This annual chart of temperature, designed and compiled by Lorin Blodget, was one of the earliest work by the famed lithographer Julius Bien.
» Scale bar in map image.
» "Designed and prepared by Lorin Blodget under the direction of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Thos. Lawson, Suregeon Gen. U.S. Army."
» "Lith. of J. Bien 107 Fulton St. N.Y."
» Relief shown by hachures.
» "The Altitude of the principal [U.S. Army] Posts of the interior is placed under each name in feet."
» Shows lines of equal mean annual temperature at intervals of 5 degrees Fahrenheit or less, based on reports from surgeons assigned to military posts across the United States.
» Classification: G3291.C82 I86 1855 Classification Scheme: lcc.
» Host/Source Creator: United States. Surgeon-General's Office. Host/Source Contributor: Lawson, Thomas, 1781?-1861. Host Type of Resource: text. Host Form of Resource: report. Host Extent: xi, 763 p. : 10 charts ; 30 cm. Host Classification: QC983.A114 1855 Host Classification Scheme: lcc. Host Notes: Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson, surgeon general United States army. Published by authority of Hon. Jefferson Davis, secretary of war. "Report on the prominent features of general climate in the United States, as exhibited in the distribution of temperature and of rain, and in explanation of the illustrative charts"--p. [679]-763.
» Alternate title from Website.
Host Title Army Meteorological Register for Twelve Years, from 1843 to 1854, inclusive, compiled from observations made by the officers of the Medical Department of the Army at the Military Posts of the United States. Washington, D.C. : A.O.P. Nicholson, Public Printer, 1855.
Local Identifiers Blodget_Isothermal_Chart_Annual.tif
nationID: 3.14.1
nationIDchrono: 2.13
nationIDcreator: 1.11
(DLC) 03017384 (Host)
(OCoLC)2437890 (Host)
(OCoLC)758327548 (Host)