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Title Map of the Distribution of Rain
Alternate Title Map of the Distribution of Rain
Creator Guyot, A. (Arnold), 1807-1884
Type of Resource cartographic
Date Created 1848
Digital Origin reformatted digital
Topics Physical geography
Rain and rainfall
Precipitation (Meteorology)
Places Earth
Dates Nineteenth century
Subject Genre Statistical maps
Meteorological charts
Rights Statement Digitized by the University of Denver Center for Teaching and Learning. Made available by the University of Denver Penrose Library solely for research and educational purposes. The user is responsible for all copyright, privacy and publicity rights compliance.
Language English
Extent 1 online resource (map) : JPEG file.
Physical Note Raster
Scale Scale not given.
Coordinates (W 180°--E 180°/N 80°--S 60°)
Notes » Website description: Guyot adapted this map to illustrate the dramatic differences of rainfall around the world, collapsing extensive data onto a single image.
» Principal meridian: Paris.
» Host/Source Creator: Guyot, A. (Arnold), 1807-1884. Host Type of Resource: text. Host Extent: 334 p. : incl. illus., plates. front. (map) ; 20 cm. Host Notes: Tr. from the French, by C.C. Felton.
» Alternate title from Website.
Host Title The earth and man: lectures on comparative physical geography, in its relation to the history of mankind. Boston, Mass. : Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln, 1850.
Local Identifiers Guyot_Rain_Map.jpg
nationID: 3.13
nationIDchrono: 2.05
nationIDcreator: 1.31
(DLC) 16025752 (Host)
(OCoLC)9183874 (Host)